Factory Tour

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Why Knowing The LED Density Is Important When Purchasing LED Signs

Why Knowing The LED Density Is Important When Purchasing LED Signs?
amber led sign, outdoor led sign, full color led display, led screen

Reason #1

LEDs have a unique degredation pattern. They lose approximately 20% of their brightness in the first 2,000 hours of use. After that the loss of brightness slows down to the point where they will last for approximately 100,000 hours total. This is true for all LEDs, there is no way around it, so don’t be fooled by talk of ‘special’ LEDs.
That means that Outdoor LED Signs which are rated at 5,000 NITs  will drop to approximately 4,000 NITs in the first 3 months.
For those of you who do not know,  a NIT is a  measurement of brightness, in North America the sun average sunlight is rated at approximately 5,000 NITs.  So, an LED sign must be at least that bright to compete with direct sunlight. For the sake of comparison, a computer monitor will range from 250-500 NITs which is why it is hard to see your laptop screen outside during the day.
The more LEDs there are in each pixel, the higher the LED Density is, the brighter the sign will be.
It is better to have an LED Sign with a high LED Density. This will help to maintain the brightness level of your sign.

Reason #2

One way companies who use lower LED Densities compensate for this lower brightness is to ‘overpower’ the LEDs. This means they put more electricity into each LED to make it brighter. This increases the degredation rate of the LEDs shortening their lifespan.
If an LED Sign has more LEDs in each pixel there will be no need to overpower the LEDs which will not only reduce the amount of electricity your sign uses but will help to preserve your LEDs and their brightness.
outdoor led sign, red led sign, Monochrome LED Signs,


When you are shopping around to find LED Signs to invest in, make sure you select one with a high LED Density.  Also, make sure the sign you are looking to investing in is rated at 5,000+ NITs. This will help to protect your investment and insure you get the maximum benefit possible for the entire life of your LED Signs.

VisionLED offer all range of different dot pitch for your choice, indoor led signs we have: pitch4mm,5mm,6mm,7.62mm,8mm,10mm. Outdoor led signs they are: 10mm,12.5mm,14mm,16mm,20mm,25mm,31.25mm.
Contact person: Serena Ye

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